- Information technology system: modern, meet the world's management and operation standards for port operations
- Information technology infrastructure:>
- Data Center system according to Tier 3 standards located in the port operator office.
- Đường truyền tốc độ cao kết nối từ Cảng ra Internet
- High-speed transmission line connecting from the port to the Internet
- Modern server system, high speed, large storage capacity
Fiber optic infrastructure connects all exploitation points throughout the port
- Data connection via LAN/Wifi and 3G/4G
- - Information system:
- Port operation management software (Container, bulk cargo)
- Software Connecting to electronic customs automatically CQN-VASSCM
- Software E-Port Portal
- Bravo Accounting Software
- Human Resource & Payroll Management Software
- Equipment Maintenance Management Software
- Email system (Office 365)
- And some other applications in business administration.
- - IT Department: Research and develop IT applications to serve the management, operation and operation of the Port. Applications are supplemented and upgraded regularly, aiming to completely apply information technology to exploitation and operation management.

(Hình ảnh: Triển khai hệ thống CNTT)